Improve skin and overall health through a “whole patient” approach.
Mountain Pine Dermatology, PLLC will constantly be a patient advocate through compassionate excellence in medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatologic care.
Based on the above mission statement, Mountain Pine Dermatology, PLLC, makes the following P.I.N.E. pledge to you, our valued patient:
Patient First Professionalism
We pledge to provide comprehensive consultations with detailed explanations on why we recommend specific medical, surgical, or cosmetic services. We will do so in a pleasant and professional manner. We will make our office enjoyable to visit and one to which you will feel comfortable referring friends and family.
We pledge to be honest and fair with those whom we serve as a unified and respectful team.
Nonjudgmental communication
We pledge to always communicate with you in a caring and timely manner. We also want you to feel comfortable to address any issues you may have while under our care so that we may do everything in our power to make sure that you are satisfied.
Empathy & ethics
We pledge to approach each patient with unconditional empathy and to hold ourselves to the highest ethical standard at all times.

Call us at 208-898-7467
to schedule your consultation at an office near you. Besides our main office in Meridian, we have offices in Emmett, Caldwell, Mountain Home, and Baker City, OR.